Sunday 12 June 2011

This made me cry...

"Clareece 'Precious' Jones: [Crying hysterically] Nobody loves me!
Ms. Rain: People do love you, Precious.
Clareece 'Precious' Jones: Please don't lie to me, Ms. Rain! Love ain't done nothing for me... but beat me... rape me... call me an animal! Make me feel worthless! Make me sick!
Ms. Rain: [Tears begin falling from her eyes] That wasn't love, Precious. Your baby loves you. *I* love you!"

This came from the movie precious. I highly recommend you watch it.

So many people these days complain about having it hard, even i do, but we often take things for granted because there are so many people in this world who are so much less fortunate than us. I'm not particularly religious but i believe that there is a God out there who blesses us and by complaining, we are depreciating the things we have been blessed with. 
The other day i was sitting in the car with my mom eating something from McDonalds when a hobo came to the window and begged for food. I felt so ashamed of myself when i looked away because i know i could have made a small difference in that mans life even just by giving him one or two rands. 
A month or so ago, i watched a movie called paying it forward where a boy came up a scheme where he said that if everyone in the world helped three people to achieve something that'll make them happy and each person you help will, in turn, help three other people and it will eventually make the world a better place.

Peace out 

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