Saturday 11 June 2011


Hey Guys,  
I'm starting this blog because i'm sitting at home with nothing to do, on a Saturday. My social life seems to have gone down the drain this term cos of all my studying (lame!) and because of my wonderful (SARCASM) mother.

So, lemme give you some food for thought:
Two weeks ago my boyfriend introduced me to one of his friends and there was this weird connection between him and I. so later that night I invited him on mxit and we instantly hit it off. We had so much in common and i started falling for him so i told him, but i still had a boyfriend, so we didn't do anything about it.
Then, one or two days later, i found out that one of my friends was also into him and she asked me to sorta hook them up, so i told the guy that she was crazy for him blah blah blah, and it killed me with jealousy so a few days later, i broke up with my boyfriend because i loved him too much to cheat on him.
Later that day, i found out that the other guy was now dating my friend. i was kinda bummed but i was happy for her either way (though i knew there was no way in hell she was being faithful).
About a week later him and i started getting really close and then one afternoon we got together and he sorta cheated on his girlfriend, my friend, with me. I know i should have felt kinda guilty about it, but i didn't really give a s***.
The day after, she found out and she started ignoring me. She dumped him a few hours later and we officially started dating. she asked me over mxit whether i was proud of what i did and i told her that, "yea. I'm really proud" then she deleted me and she her status as, "Whores will be whores so i can't blame Ethel.", so i set mine as, "You can call me a whore till the end of time sweety, it's not gonna change the fact that you're the epitome of a slut." 

Who's the wrong one? Was i supposed to let her play him and forget about how i felt for him?


OK, fine. two wrongs don't make a right. Fanx Matt

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